Sunday, October 31, 2010

nothing gonna change my love for u ~~ love it

If I had to live my life without you near me
The days would all be empty
The nights would seem so long
With you I see forever oh so clearly
I might have been in love before
But it never felt this strong
Our dreams are young
And we both know they'll take us
Where we want to go
(Chorus 1)
Hold me now
Touch me now
I don't want to live without you
(Chorus 2)
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love
(Chorus 3)
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought know by now how much I love you
The world may change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for you
If the road ahead is not so easy,
Our love will lead the way for us
Like a guiding star
I'll be there for you if you should need me
You don't have to change a thing
I love you just the way you are
So come with me and share the view
I'll help you see forever too

Friday, October 29, 2010



过后和哥、几个朋友去孤儿院, 感觉还不错
我想回家TT 我怕见不到她了。。。 心情烂透了。。。。


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

发现 . 我


孤单- 没人了解

自卑- 总比别人差

无聊- 每个人都很忙

妒嫉- 太多事了

羡慕- 我做不到的事,别人做到了

不好- 喜欢找东西满足自己


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

You Wouldn’t Answer My Calls - 2AM

얼마나 얼마나 싫어할 지 알면서도 이것 밖에 할 게 없다
너의 집 앞에서 하릴없이 너를 기다리는 일

아무리 아무리 나 비참해도 너를 잃는 것보단
잃을 게 없어서 같은 곳에서 너의 집 앞에서 기다린다

이미 전활 받지 않는 너에게 나를 보려조차 않는 너에게
아무리 빌어도 용서를 구해도 소용 없는 일이라 해도

너의 집 앞에 서서 기다린다 나를 본체조차 하지 않아도
마치 처음 본 사람처럼 날 지나쳐도
미안하다는 내 한마딜 들어줄 때까지

하루에도 수 십 번씩 전화기를 보고 작은 소리에도 놀라서
너의 문자인지 몇 번씩 확인하곤 했어

처음에는 처음엔 늘 있는 다툼처럼 돌아 올 줄 알았어
이렇게 독하게 날 떠나기엔 너는 너무 착한 여자라서

이미 전활 받지 않는 너에게 나를 보려조차 않는 너에게
아무리 빌어도 용서를 구해도 소용 없는 일이라 해도

너의 집 앞에 서서 기다린다 나를 본체조차 하지 않아도
마치 처음 본 사람처럼 날 지나쳐도
미안하다는 내 한마딜 들어줄 때까지

Uhlmana uhlmana shiruhar ji armyunsuhdo eeguht baggeh har geh uhbtda
Nuh-eui jib apesuh hariruhbshi nuhreur gidarineun eer

Amoori amoori na bichamhaedo nuhreur irhneun guhtbodan
Eerhuer geh uhbsuhsuh gateun gosesuh nuh-eui jib apesuh gidarinda

Eemee juhnhwar badji anhneun nuh-eh-geh nareur boryuhjocha anhneun nuh-eh-geh
Amoori biruhdo yongsuhreur goohaedo soyong uhbtneun eerira haedo

Nuh-eui jib apeh suhsuh gidarinda nareur bonchaejocha haji anhado
Machi chuh-eum bon saramchurum nar jinachyuhdo
Mianhadaneun nae hanmadir deuruhjoor ddaeggaji

Haru-edo su shib buhnsshig juhnhwagireur bogo jageun sori-edo nollasuh
Nuh-eui moonjainji myuht buhnsshik hwaginhagon haessuh

Chuh-eumehneun chuh-eumen neur eetneun datoomchuhruhm dora or joor arassuh
Eeruhgeh doghageh nar dduhnagien nuhneun nuhmoo chaghan yuhjarasuh

Eemee juhnhwar badji anhneun nuh-eh-geh nareur boryuhjocha anhneun nuh-eh-geh
Amoori biruhdo yongsuhreur goohaedo soyong uhbtneun eerira haedo

Nuh-eui jib apeh suhsuh gidarinda nareur bonchaejocha haji anhado
Machi chuh-eum bon saramchurum nar jinachyuhdo
Mianhadaneun nae hanmadir deuruhjoor ddaeggaji

Even though I know you how much how much you hate it, I can't do anything but this
In front of your door, just idly waiting

Even though I'm so miserable, it's better than losing you
I can't lose you, so I stay near you, in front of your door waiting

You who won't answer my calls any more, you who doesn't want to see me at all
No matter how I beg for forgiveness, there's already no use

Waiting by your door, even if you pretend you can't see me
Brushing past my shoulder like seeing a stranger you just met
Waiting until you are willing to hear me say sorry

Looking at my phone ten times a day, even jumping at the slight sound
To find out if you had sent me a text message

At first, at first, I thought like normal fights you would come back
Because you're such a nice girl you wouldn't be so cruel to leave me

You who won't answer my calls any more, you who doesn't want to see me at all
No matter how I beg for forgiveness, there's already no use

Waiting by your door, even if you pretend you can't see me
Brushing past my shoulder like seeing a stranger you just met
Waiting until you are willing to hear me say sorry

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


朋友,这个名词对每个人都有自己的解释。 有人认为,只要对你好的,就是朋友;有人认为,只要能帮到你的就是朋友,有人认为,只要能谈得来就是朋友。。对,这些都很重要。可是,你有尝试 去了解他们吗? 知道他们要的,他们想的。。
毕竟是从小到大的朋友难道你都不能了解吗? 天啊!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


after a few days , finally the line is back ... wow .... so excited ...
for the pass few days there is nothing much different.. juz that I realise there is a benefits for going back once a month ...hoho... my parents allowed me to do anything I wish to do ... yay... Thank UU haha...

recently, mostly my friend are having their exam.. wish them good luck and try their best ... cant wait to go to Langkawi .. but in fact, I also realise that we dont hv much time to finish up our 2 forums in 2 weeks times !! oh NO !!!!! wad to do.... plus moral presentation also ... wow... really is PACKED !! that is so call degree life ... presentation, assignments, study study study ==

time really flies, it reached end of oct ... FINAL is not far from my eyes ...==... study again .... haiz... have to try my best le...

last week, I bought back a packet of taiwan dumplings woo hoo which is one of my favourite food... I cooked for my roommates and my precious sis ... haha.. soon  later , I will be cooked for my fren .. dun worry .. there is still left for u all ^^
really cant wait to go to taiwan again , AUNTY AH PAT, I cant wait to see u and I wanna eat all ur good dishes in TAIWAN!!!! ...

ps: 2pm juz release their new song - I'll be back ... taec again ... blow up my hearts ... >< .... good to see them back ^^ ...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


这几天不知真么搞的, 总是觉得累。。我发现有点不对劲,平时的我当然会累但休息一下就会精神饱满。可是近期,我累得要睡上两三天,没有精神,不太能专心。真的有点不对劲。劲上也好像越来越肿了。。开始担心了。。。T。T

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Can't Take My Eyes Off You

I know that the bridges that I've burned along the way

Have left me with these walls and these scars that won't go away
And opening up has always been the hardest thing
Until you came

So lay here beside me, just hold me and don't let go
This feeling I'm feeling is something I've never known
And I just can't take my eyes off you
And I just can't take my eyes off you

I love when you tell me that I'm pretty when I just wake up
And I love how you tease me when I'm moody, but it's never too much.
I'm falling fast, but the truth is I'm not scared at all
You climbed my wall

So lay here beside me, just hold me and don't let go
This feeling I'm feeling is something I've never known
And I just can't take my eyes off you
And I just can't take my eyes off you, off you, off you

So lay here beside me, just hold me and don't let go
Oh, this feeling I'm feeling is something I've never known
And I just can't take my eyes off you
And I just can't take my eyes off you

special day

haha ... 10 10 10 ten ten ten...... so many tens hahaha... so today will be a special day for all of us
plus today is our cute frens bday hahahhaa ... how lucky she is hahhaha

ok for 9 10 10 ... hmm, today I realise a internet singer with a good voice I admire him a lot ... haha... I hope I can sing like him so from now start again practice practice !!!! hahaa....

actually nothing special for 9 10 10 cause is a holiday ... haha ... juz one thing important I haven finish my CRITICAL REVIEW !!!! haha .. gonna jia you jia you d hahah ~

ps : happy birthday !!!!! have a great day ~~~ JL ^^

Friday, October 8, 2010


today is a special holiday...yay....early morning woke up and went to market hahaha ...sounds like a housewife ==
actually we went to shop for fruits and some vege ... soon later , we decided to cook our own steamboat as a dinner haha.. homemade wow ...

I really wanna thanks to my roommates because they prepared a good dinner when Im went to exercise ... we had a nice dinner together with our juniors hahaha.... taste delicious  yummy ~

hope that we can do it again hahaha

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


hahaha.... today can considered as the best day of my life ... 2 hours class turned into 1 hour ... and I able to enjoy my time with my sis and doing my stuff ... and the consequences is tomorrow will be a very very busy day ..six hours lab plus 2 hours ESAP ... haiz.....

I have a great time talking with my sis today ... Cant wait until next year may be we can go to taiwan together haha... I really hope so .... nowadays , is hard to find someone who is really able to talk to ... everyone is busy and of course we seldom meet each other that's the point ..btw, I really enjoy today ...

besides, I suddenly proud of my bro... everyone are praising him due to his special thoughts ... I got a shock hahhhaaa ~ anyway he is a good bro for me hahahaha...(any girls interested with him???) haha ...


久而久之,那女子被他的真情感动。。在他生日那天,鼓起勇气向他说,他愿意。。那天,男子掉了眼泪,牵起那女生的手。。 那时,他觉得很幸福。。男子很喜欢牵着女子的手的感觉。不舍得放开。


没错,在经历种种的波折, 水饺店的生意好而且还越来越好。。每天都忙得不可开交。。但,男子终会在收工后,独自和老婆在水饺店阁楼谈心,当然,他的手没离开过她。。

婚后三年,他们很高兴的迎接他们爱的结晶。 是对双胞胎,男子既感动又欣慰。。他很感谢她所愿意付出的一切。。







Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Great day

finally FINALLY finally ,
I finished my genetics exam ... now left my history and all the assignments and forum ...>< headache la ...hahha
Im also happy today due to my sis is staying over today ... she is always so adorable and kind ... always catches ppl's eyes hahhaa... when she is here ..I feels like so warm hahaha....she is the youngest in our big family therefore, I think everyone is care for her

later, in the afternoon , one of family member which is our bro .. haha ... he suggested to have our dinner outside ... haha... so end up 8 of us going out for our delicious dinner (mr .ROBERT dishes ) hahaha... I always hope that AIMST would updrage their food but turns up disappointed..

when we finish our dinner, sis and me went to the first meeting of LEO club .. haha... the overall process can consider quite good .. Im juz thinking weather wanna involve in the commitee or not .. haha...

lastly, I would like to say that although today is quite good but I feel a bit down due to tmr is a sch day TT and I have to attend 2 hours chemistry class ..grrr...
to be honest, I really dislike chemistry .. hope that sem 1 will be finish asap !!!! so that I can say bye bye to chemistry hahhahaa...

ps: I will update tmr .... see u ^^

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Faithfully Lyrics: "Glee Cast Faithfully lyrics in the Glee: The Music - Journey to Regionals Album. These Faithfully lyrics are performed by Glee Cast Highway run into the midnight sun Wheels go round and round You're on my mind Restless hearts sleep alone tonight Sending a"

touching and meaningful ...


haha... this is recommend by my sis .. She said this song suits me ...
I have to think far, look far ... be mature

Saturday, October 2, 2010


也有一阵子没上来了, 最近不知怎么搞的。。很容易就被伤害,简单的一句话。我可以在意很久。过后,就开始胡思乱想。哥说我不打开心,对人不够坦诚。。也许,就是因为这样所以才不像说的。

今常在想,如果我走了,有人会想我吗? 还会记得我吗?我知道这些都是个微不足道的小小问题,我这个傻瓜就在那里钻牛角尖 >< 我是怎么搞的。。

嘉,搬出宿舍了,见面的时间有限。。各忙各的。。真的。。只能叹气! !

人说:路遥知马力,日久见人心 。。好像很对!! 越久就越让人看出来你是个怎样的人。。


haiz, 又来了。。可能永远也没答案吧!!